So I wake up Christmas morning to a "White Christmas" Is this supposed to be a good thing?
Santa came to visit me at my dad's house over in Spanish Fork, so I had to go over there to celebrate Christmas. So, before I could celebrate Christmas I had to:
Shovel my driveway, and the driveway of my neighbor, since I am a good neighbor, and Hey! It's Christmas! Well the snow was deeper then I had first thought, I think that we got a good 8-9 inches, so once I started, I couldn't very well not finish (dang that nice gene).
Well an hour later I walked into the house dripping from sweat (oh yeah, I had just showered and put on clean clothes). So now I smell like a wet hog, but that's ok. I am just going to celebrate Christmas with my family!
So I grab my bird, jump in the car, and head down the driveway.
Well, in the cul-de-sac that I live in we have been working on creating a good snow pack for vehicles, which actually works very well once it is packed down. Well little did I know, but the city came and tried to help us with the snow pack. They however didn't get the memo that snow melt doesn't help pack snow, in fact it melts the snow (Thanks AF City). So I drove into a puddle of slush, covered by a decieving 8 inches of fresh powder snow. High-Centered....
I put my car in drive, reverse, drive, reverse, drive, reverse, drive, reverse.... And finally was just about ready to leave my car in the middle of the cul-de-sac, walk into my house, take a shower, and get back into bed for about 4 mounths.
But then I must have hit some of the good packed snow, but my car finally started to get some movement, and I just went for it. I didn't slow down or stop till I was on a cleared road. Then the freeways were covered in that crappy white s%^t, (who likes this stuff anyway)! Traffic wasn't too bad since it was still early on Christmas morning, but I finally made it to my dad's house, just as they were starting to open presents...
I hate the Cold, I hate the Snow, I hate driving in the Cold and in the Snow, I hate Winter, and I hate the Cold SNOW!!!
um, Did I say Merry Christmas! =0)
It was a merry christmas, but not until I got Far Far away from my house, stopped sweating like a hog, stopped swearing like a saylor, and was able to relax and enjoy some time with my loveley family.
Poop Stories
6 years ago