Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Well, I have been busy...

I don't know how people do this! I don't have time to post anything about the awesome cruise that I just went on. I guess I posted the itinerary, well we went to all of those places. we dove four times (two days of two-tank dives and I just about died once(don't loose your weight belt while you are diving, not a good idea)).

The ship was incredible as always. It was huge. Biggest ship that I have cruised yet. It was older though, you could see the wear and tear on the deck and some of the carpet, but it was still nice. We will have to choose a newer and bigger ship next time. The entertainment was interesting if you like seeing butts. We called it the butt show because the dancers were very good at showing off their nice butts that they work so hard keeping, well nice...

The flight home was much better then the flight to PR, so no stories there. The weather in Utah has been sucky, and while until just this week hasn't really even been warm. I haven't pulled out my motorcycle yet this year. I usually start riding it in march or april, but not this year. Too cold and too much snow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The butt show eh? ha ha

Ok Mr... there have been pleanty of nice days to ride the motorcycle! Being busy is one thing but come on. ;-)