Thursday, May 14, 2009


So I am kind of a freak, but I wanted to grow sunflowers again this year. I wanted to try different flowers though because I have a friend that planted some crazy flowers one year and they looked so fun. I went to plant them, but then I realized that my sprinkler system was broken for a while (I am getting secondary water put in) and I didn't want them to die a dry and horrible death in my back yard. SO I planted them in my Kitchen (far far away from the slugs and bugs in my yard)!

Ok, well I planted them in a large planter pot that I have moved into my kitchen. Earlier this evening I suddenly realized that I hadn't watered them since I had planted them last week, OOPS! As I went to water them I this is what I found!!!

They are Growing already! I just planted them last week and they are already poking their leaves out of the dirt. When I saw them I was so excited that I had to take a picture (see, I am a freak).

Well I really felt guilty that I hadn't posted anything, and so I decided that I would blog about the new additions to my household instead of the story about the FIRE at work, that wouldn't be a good story, right? (yeah, there was really a fire, what's next? Locusts???).

Anyway, I just started another class this week so I should get back to my homework... =0( This was a good distraction for a while though, don'tcha think?


Jeanette said...

Bryan, I'm excited about your sunflowers!! I miss having a backyard that I can garden in so much. I must admit, I never had much luck with getting things to grow from seeds, so keep us updated, I'm excited to see how quick they grow!

Becki and Jeff said...

You should have seen me when I had carrot leaves coming out of the ground! I was thrilled! I love sunflowers. CAn't wait to see what colors they are!

Bryan said...

Ha, well the slugs actually got to most of them, which was why I had them growing in the house in the first place... =0( I still have a couple out there though that made it through the slug attack.
I just declared war on the slugs by the way, which should be fun and messy!