Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Beautiful headstone

Well we made it to see my dad's newly laid headstone this weekend, doesn't it look good!

We are pleased with the way that it turned out, he would have been proud.


Lindsey said...

Bryan! I found your website from the PGHS Reunion site. I am so sorry about your dad. It looks like you have a lot of other good things going on though.

Sarah Shelley said...

It looks really nice. It was a beautiful day yesterday too.

Amberlee Hasson said...

It's lovely

Adam and Kristine said...

Wow! That really is beautiful. I see all the pretty flowers there too. He was so loved. I miss him....I miss all of you too... I look forward to your visit in July:)

Becki and Jeff said...

It is a beautiful headstone! Which temple is that?


Bryan said...

I think it is the Timpanogos Temple here in Utah. It is one of my favorite temples.